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How to wear long boots this season


On days with low temperatures, you tend to opt for warm, comfortable, and handy items. This is the period when you choose to put more emphasis on comfort and less on aesthetics. However, this winter you don't have to choose. You can enjoy the comfort, but also the style with the high boots from Marelbo.

Marelbo boots meet all the qualities you need to enjoy a very stylish winter. Here are 3 models of women's boots of genuine leather that you can rely on no matter the conditions external.

Women's Boots 1185 combined

Who says you can't look fabulous in winter? Wear these boots in combination with a knitted dress and a thin belt at the waist and you will see how your mood changes. In good. Thanks to the thick heel, these women's boots are very comfortable and will fit perfectly into your daily activities.

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The design is attractive, and the accessories add to this. The combination of patent leather and puffy leather will not leave you indifferent, and their height, 37 cm, will give your feet comfort, warmth, and safety. The closure system is zippered, and the wide elastic band will "hug" even a thicker thigh. A new model in the Marelbo collection was made with you in mind. At your prospects. And the needs you have.

Women's Boots 3365

If you think that heels are not for you, especially in the cold season, we come up with a tempting proposal from all points of view. These women's boots high heels made of genuine leather will protect you from the cold during the long winter and will easily integrate into your outfits.

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The design follows a classic, minimalist line that will be in trend for a long time to come. The elastic sideband will save you a lot of worries, and the textile-lined interior will delight you with every wear. You can wear these boots with skirts, dresses or pants and every time, you will enjoy the same increased comfort. The price is the manufacturer's, which means quality in an affordable form. The model is also available in the bordo version, so choose the version that attracts you the most.

Women's Boots 1187

Dare to get out of your comfort zone and choose these genuine leather boots high heels. The ankle accessory stands out immediately, so the attention will be captured from the first moment, and your appearance will be admired. A model that offers stability and dream comfort.

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The boots are generously lined with faux fur, which will make leaving home a real joy. An attractive model, equipped with everything you need to shine this winter. Enjoy affordable manufacturer prices for the full range of women's boots and boots and make your winter unforgettable.

Come to Marelbo stores and try out the latest products or simply order from the site, with delivery in a few days.

Posted in: Style and Elegance

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